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Published: May 26, 2017

The Takeover – The Resurgence of Communism in America Today

By Nate Brown

Communism is a virus. The political ideology is not contained to any race or creed rather it can infect any one individual through mass subliminal brainwashing.

In the short term, communistic political rule is obtained through fear, control, and murder.

In the long term, it is accomplished by invading the subconscious of innocent minds which can take decades before full and complete control of a populace takes place.

Rather than by force, the last free nation on Earth is being subdued by a political ideology once thought defeated, but in reality, communism is alive and well within the United States of America.

Concerned citizens of the Old Guard of the United States, were watchful and warned of such a thing. But still, today, communism is running rampant throughout schools, homes, campuses, businesses, hospitals, local governments, and the federal government.

The war against the United States did not take days, weeks, months or even years, but rather decades upon decades.

While Marxism, Leninism, and Stalinism are all overt communistic political ideologies; the effort against the United States is covert, it’s subliminal, and it’s almost complete.

A document, purportedly obtained in Germany, in 1919, details a takeover of the United States – one that would not happen overnight, but one that required each generation to be on guard.

But as time went on, and as distractions crept in, so did they, the individuals who hate freedom, who hate justice, who hate America, and who hate the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

It has been said that one could not overtly invade the United States because there is a rifle behind every blade of grass. -Isoroku Yamamoto

Each citizen willing to fight for each other, each citizen willing to fight for their land, takes a particular type of patriotism, and such a patriotism has to be covertly subdued.

The very nature of what is happening in the United States today cannot be entirely called communism because it combines different types of political ideologies into one, but it can be summed up into one goal, divide and conquer.

Over time, the eroding of American patriotism has led to democratic socialism, socialism, and now communism. After all the goal of socialism according to Vladimir Lenin, is to reach communism.

During the 20th century, communism will be remembered as the mass murderer and America will be recognized as the nation that played a significant role in ridding the world of communism.

However, during the 21st century – communism will be remembered as the force that drove America to the brink, and communism will be remembered as the ‘new freedom.’

Our country is being destroyed by tyranny, and tyranny doesn’t always come in the form of government rule, rather it can come in the form of education, social justice, media, technology, culture, science, and business.

Take a look around today, have a glance at the evening news, scroll your Facebook page, check your Twitter, turn on the radio, look at your church, and see clearly that the hammer and sickle have returned.

Now, let’s go back, way back, to 1963 and see what was entered into congressional record, by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida, and see if this doesn’t sound familiar to you –

Regardless of the reality that the Soviet Union is no longer in existence, one cannot deny the reality that these goals are being accomplished today by an unseen large organization that is determined to overthrow America.

Several events have taken place to bring America to this point, but as one may notice, not every goal on that list is complete. Also, one cannot deny that, that unseen force hell bent on world dominance is actively working to bring that list to completion – which will end in a One World Government.

How did America get here? From the words of Yuri Bezmenof, demoralization is a fundamental part of their agenda. Demoralization takes decades, it is not something that happens overnight, but rather it can take 15 to 20 years for one generation to be entirely submissive to the communist agenda.

The utter destruction of the moral compass of Americans lays bear the evidence that a takeover is well under way. Whether it be by communism or another form of totalitarianism, the fact that a large portion of those ‘goals’ are complete stands to prove that America is falling, and fast.

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