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Published: June 25, 2018

Christian TV Station Fined For Opposing Transgenderism, Making ‘Homophobic’ Comments

By Nate Brown

The British-based Christian TV Station Revelation was fined six thousand Euros for ‘homophobic’ remarks made on a breakfast show last year.

Revelation TV, which broadcasts in Spain via Satellite, was handed the fine by the Spanish National Commission of Markets and Competition. According to the CNMC, the comments made on the show ‘R-mornings’ could be considered as threatening to the dignity of homosexual and transgender groups, even though there was no manifest to incitation to hate against these groups.

After the fine was issued, Gordon Pettie, the director of Revelation TV, attempted to appeal the commission’s decision. However, the penalty was placed before the hearing of the appeal.

Pettie stated that the discussion was ‘absolutely not’ homophobic; instead, they were discussing a Biblical view. Gordon later said that his lawyers had informed him that if the discussion was deemed ‘homophobic’ then Spanish authorities would have to fine every Catholic Church in Spain.

‘We believe by the time the process is finished the fine won’t apply and we won’t be found to be homophobic,’ he said.

‘We would say as a television station that we seek to stand up for biblical views. All we did was say what the scripture had to say.’

In reference are remarks that were made while the Morning Talk Show was discussing a decision by a Christian Family to remove their child from school because one of his classmates identified as transgender.

The pastor said on the show: ‘We are going to create a political party or join a party to change this madness. We are going to have to do this, because if we don’t, we will have Sodom and Gomorrah at our doorsteps, where they are going to tell you: we want to get hold of those men in there and we want to sleep with them and there’s nothing you can do about it. I have girls for you… No, we want those guys. And because it has become aggressive, it has become heavy, and if we don’t confront this militancy it is going to get worse, it is going to get really bad.’

The Pastor added: ‘The problem is that these guys are carrying out what I call social engineering. They ́re coming with ideas of their own, in order to lead society in a particular direction. But we must not allow that to happen. Let the child grow up naturally and when they are old enough let them decide what they want to do. At 18, they will decide whatever they want to do, having the freedom to do so. But starting to teach an idea that is not natural at school… because all these ideas are not the natural way of things, it is not what the Bible says, it is not natural biologically. I don’t know who encourages it and how we can stop it, it shouldn’t happen.

‘But we need to understand that the people behind this agenda are not foolish, they know exactly what they are doing, they know that, at that age, the child doesn’t have a clue what is going on, so if they can manage to manipulate those kids to believe that this is what is natural, that will stick to the children. They like to get hold of a generation ahead of time, so that when they finally are 20 or 25, the whole world has changed to exactly where they want to be with that agenda.’

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