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Published: February 20, 2016

NATO at War… on the World

By Nate Brown
Can we please just dispense with the nonsense and talk about how things really are. The US-led NATO military alliance is at war with the world. And Russia is the main force holding this criminal organization at bay.
Listening to various Western political leaders at the recent Munich Security Conference is both laughable and cringe-making. We heard from the likes of US top diplomat John Kerry and British foreign secretary Philip Hammond holding forth on issues of international law and peace, while NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg and General Philip Breedlove assured that there was no Cold War. 

Who do these people think we are? If they are stupid enough to live in denial that’s up to them. But surely the rest of the thinking human race can see the world for what it is: a place where the United States and its various allies are running amok, making a mockery of international law, waging wars, covertly and overtly, against anyone who stands in their way. 


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This is exactly the sordid scenario that Russian president Vladimir Putin warned about back in 2007 when he addressed the Munich conference. Putin said it would end in tears, from lawlessness and state-sponsored terrorism, instigated and justified by Western leaders who hypocritically speak as if they are paragons of virtue.

It truly is sickening to be lectured by Western warmongers and their apologists. Russia’s prime minister Dmitry Medvedev and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov were probably the only sane voices at the Munich conference this year. Both reiterated the danger to world peace from NATO’s warmongering – and yet both were scoffed at by their Western counterparts for speaking the truth. 

In Syria, let’s cut to the chase. The alleged pro-democracy uprising that the Western media have been spinning for the last five years is this: it’s a covert war of aggression on a sovereign country for regime change. NATO powers and their regional client regimes have weaponized the proxy assault forces who are comprised of myriad terrorist mercenaries.

That is standard operating procedure for the United States and its NATO allies, when outright conventional military attack on countries is politically unpalatable.


Works Cited

John R. Schindler. “Mounting Evidence Putin Will Ignite WWIII.” Observer. . (2016): . .

Jane Onyanga-Omara. “China says U.S. militarizing South China Sea.” USA Today. . (2016): . .


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