Fri Feb 11, 2022 – 4:16 pm EST
WASHINGTON (LifeSiteNews) — 221 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted against a Republican measure this week that would have required public schools to allow parental opt-outs for mask mandates, even as Democrats across the country abandon forced masking as a political liability.
Rep. Ashley Hinson’s (R-IA) Unmask Our Kids Act (HR 6619) would “prohibit the Secretary of Education from providing Federal funds to a local educational agency unless in-person instruction is available to all students and parents may opt out of student mask mandates
“As a mom, I know why parents across the country are standing up and speaking out when they are being told they can’t decide what is right for their kids and family,” Hinson said Tuesday on the House floor. “And it is infuriating to watch the same people who push for kids to wear masks all day long flout the rules for a photo-op or for a night on the town. Meanwhile, kids are sitting at home instead of going to school and interacting with their friends in a normal setting.”
“House Democrats are playing politics and want you to believe they’re
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