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Published: April 1, 2021

Arkansas: better SAFE than sorry

By The Editor

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April 1, 2021 (FamilyResearchCouncil) – Arkansas may have lost its bid for a national championship this week, but conservatives around the country are cheering on the state to become the first in another category: protecting minor children. Monday, after an emotional debate, the state senate voted 27-8 to send the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to the governor’s desk, where he could make history signing it into law.

If you asked most of these legislators, like state Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R), they didn’t set out to be trailblazers. They just wanted to spare kids a lifetime of regret. If our children can’t smoke, they can’t drink, they can’t do drugs, or get tattoos, it only makes sense to her — and to the majority of Arkansas leaders — that we also keep them from mutilating and sterilizing their bodies. “This is a very tightly crafted bill that basically says that children under the age of 18 cannot have sex-change surgery or chemical castration,” she said on “Washington Watch.” Let them get to the age “where they can make

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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