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Published: March 25, 2021

As cases go down, Oregon health officials push for ‘permanent’ mask mandate

By The Editor

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SALEM, Oregon, March 25, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — While some state have begun relaxing COVID-related restrictions, state health officials in Oregon have decided that now is the time to impose a “permanent” mask mandate until it is deemed “no longer necessary.”

A mask mandate has already been in place in Oregon since November 16, requiring all citizens to don a face covering when outside their home if they “may come within six (6) feet of distance with someone from outside their household.” Additionally, the mask requirement extends to ordering at a drive-through or any other place where one receives a delivery inside their vehicle.

Even after being vaccinated against COVID-19, the mandate still applies. It is a considered a Class C misdemeanour to violate it.

Oregon’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has now revealed plans to make the state-wide mask mandate a “permanent rule” in workplaces after the current regulations expire on May 4, extending the rule “until revised or repealed.” The OSHA clarified that the rule is to be adopted until it is deemed masking is “no

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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