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Published: June 30, 2023

Australia may be the next nation to crush free speech with an internet censorship law

By The Editor

Fri Jun 30, 2023 – 9:46 am EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — The Australia government is endeavouring to formalize its version of the Censorship Industrial Complex. Unlike the United States, where the First Amendment – in theory, if not in practice – should ban any efforts to stop people expressing their views on social media platforms, there are no such explicit legal protections in Australia. The Federal government is set to further the rotting of Australia’s institutions and legal system by implementing extraordinarily bad law.

Michelle Rowland, the Federal Minister for Communications, issued a release saying that the government will legislate to provide the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) with “new powers to hold digital platforms to account and improve efforts to combat harmful misinformation and disinformation in Australia.” She described it as a “major step forward in addressing the spread of online misinformation and disinformation which has grown rapidly in scale and speed.”

Then, in classic double speak, Rowland said ACMA will be given its new information-gathering and record-keeping powers “while balancing the right to freedom of expression so fundamental to democracy.” They will be stopping freedom of expression to protect freedom of expression.

The government

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

The views expressed in this news alert by the author do not directly represent that of The Official Street Preachers or its editors

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