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Published: December 12, 2022

Biden admin denies involvement in Big Tech censorship despite bragging about it last year

By The Editor

Mon Dec 12, 2022 – 5:58 pm EST

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – The Biden administration denied Friday having any involvement in Twitter’s past censorship decisions despite having not only admitted but boasted about such involvement in the past.

For the past two weeks, new Twitter owner Elon Musk has been giving what he calls the Twitter Files, a trove of documentation on the previous management’s choices to remove or limit disfavored content and accounts, to various journalists for dissemination.

Revelations so far shed light on the platform’s efforts to suppress the 2020 story about presidential son Hunter Biden’s laptop, the shadow-banning of conservative personalities, the removal of former President Donald Trump, and the quashing of dissenting voices on COVID-19 policy, among other issues.

Of particular interest has been whether the material would directly tie such censorship to government requests, which could potentially transform private business decisions into First Amendment violations.

To date, the releases do not yet contain such a smoking gun, though there have been references to Twitter executives meeting with federal agencies that falsely claimed the laptop story was Russian disinformation, and the involvement of former Twitter deputy general counsel James Baker, who had

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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