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Published: February 21, 2022

China’s Genocide Olympics were a perfect symbol for all that’s wrong in the world

By The Editor

Mon Feb 21, 2022 – 3:49 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — Beijing was the perfect choice as the site of the 2022 Olympic Games, if you think about it. It has been two years of descent into upside-down reality and inverted morality. The media spouts lies and calls truth “misinformation.” Inclusive leftists segregate people based on their medical status.  Tolerant progressives denounce people with “unacceptable views.” Peaceful countries like Canada are now tyrannical police states. “Follow the science” means “obey and do not question.” Freedom is a mirage in a prison of “safety.” Evil is called good and good is called evil.

Then having the Olympics — a symbol of peace, friendship and goodwill between the peoples of the earth — hosted by the most brutal dictatorship and human rights abuser on earth makes perfect sense.

Even the venue was perfect. Everyone said China was showing such extravagance and rich pageantry. Really? I mean apart from the fireworks, everything you could see of the space — described as a giant “COVID bubble” of barriers and gates and plexiglass, in sparsely filled sterilized stadiums, all against a ghetto backdrop of what looked like nuclear reactors, but we were told a posh,

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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