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Published: July 23, 2021

Church ‘Snitch’ Reports Mask-less UK Pastor. Now He May be Fired

By The Editor


The COVID police are at it again. This time, in the United Kingdom where a church snitch has reported a pastor for violating COVID-19 protocols.  

Reverend Charlie Boyle of All Saints Church in Bransome Park, Dorset is in trouble for not wearing a mask.

Pastor Boyle faces disciplinary action and possible dismissal because at least one parishioner complained about the COVID rules violation.

In a video posted on social media by Christian Concern, Rev. Boyle explained that he’s been accused of “singing the last verse of ‘Thine be the Glory’ on Easter Sunday” as he left the service and “Frankly, that is laughable.” 

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Reverend Charlie could be ousted from his ministry at the church and that’s not a laughing matter.

Stop and think about this: a parishioner felt threatened as the mask-less pastor passed by–for only seconds–while singing ‘Thine be the Glory.’ 

The offended parishioner may have considered shouting out something like, “Oh no, incoming! Reverend Charlie is spewing COVID tainted spit throughout the parish sanctuary. Take cover!”

Folks, do you really think Pastor Boyle would have led Easter services if he had a fever, or was experiencing COVID-like symptoms? I don’t think he would have done that.

Pastor Charlie responsibly cares for his flock and has put strict COVID health protocols in place at the church.

“We had our own track and trace. We had the QR codes. We put sanitizer in the church hall,” Reverend Charlie explained as he pointed them out in the video.  “I personally put these little red markers and I have made sure that people have been safe.” 

I think the agitated church attendee should have taken a more biblical approach. Instead of becoming a snitch by reporting the pastor to the church hierarchy, the offended parishioner should have politely approached the pastor after the service to explain their feelings–regardless of his or her view of the science.

It’s that simple: first, go to the offender.

And although Pastor Charlie suffers from asthma, he may risk his own health in the future to be more accommodating of unscientific feelings.

But disciplinary action for Reverend Charlie?  Nope. That’s a step way beyond the pale because, unlike Texas House Democrats who flew mask-less for hours to Washington, this was not a super-spreader event. 

I don’t know about you, but I thank God for fearless Christian leaders and those who sing joyously about the Lord’s resurrection on Easter Sunday, or any day — regardless of extreme consequences.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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