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Published: November 30, 2022

‘Communist’ Democrat appears to advocate violence against Tucker Carlson for criticizing LGBT agenda

By The Editor

Wed Nov 30, 2022 – 12:05 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — A self-professed communist and former Virginia Democratic delegate and gubernatorial candidate has appeared to suggest he wants to see leading conservative voices murdered or at least violently attacked for their criticism of transgenderism and the LGBT agenda.

Lee Carter, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a self-professed communist, wrote recently that “We should probably start asking this question about people like Tim Pool and Matt Walsh too.”

His tweet was in response to a September post where he included a photo of Tucker Carlson talking about Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s chemical and genital mutilation of children. The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh exposed officials at the center boasting about profiting from the continued chemical and genital mutilation of gender-confused children.

Tim Pool, a former Bernie Sanders backer and Big Tech critic, has also been outspoken about the grooming of children and drag shows.

“At a certain point it becomes 100% morally defensible to…*ahem* take this dude off the air *ahem* before his followers murder one or more of his targets,” Carter wrote.

Journalist Andy Ngo shared the tweets and suggested Carter was advocating for

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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