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Published: February 2, 2023

COVID hysteria has permanently ruined the reputation of science

By The Editor

Thu Feb 2, 2023 – 12:02 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — The reputation of science done in public and in private has dramatically declined over the last few years. What was formerly regarded as a bastion of methodical reason based on the interrogation of evidence has been reduced to an instrument of power. The example of science – “The Science” which we are exhorted to follow without question – demonstrates amply that no institution is immune to ideology.

Why does this matter? Science is supposed to be different from other areas of human activity. Its reputation rests on a presumption that science and scientists are about the discovery of the nature of things uninflected by opinion. It is the gold standard of reason, and is the means by which we have achieved tremendous technological advancement.

Yet science is done by people, and people are not perfect. Nor are the means by which “science” is done, being reliant on peer-review to the potential exclusion of the scientific method itself. No understanding of the production and perception of science is adequate without the caveat of human error.

Peer-review, for example, is the publishing of papers in journals for the

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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