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Published: June 18, 2018

Democrat Admits Child Migrant Crisis “Was Kept Very Quiet Under Obama”

By The Editor

Having lost control of the ‘Russia collusion’ narrative (still evidence-less after 18 months and increasingly exposed for bias), and unable to gain any traction with their attacks on the Trump-Kim summit (hard to make a case that more nuclear armaggeddon threats are better than less), the deep state (hand in mouth with the left and the media) are currently attempting to spin Trump’s enforcement of Obama policies as an indication that he is a baby-stealing racist.

And now, as The Daily Caller reports, Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar is admitting that the Obama administration attempted to cover up the child migrant crisis occurring at the Southern border.

“It was kept very quiet under the Obama Administration. There were large numbers of people coming in. The Obama administration was trying to keep this quiet,” Cuellar told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield.

Whitfield displayed a 2014 image of migrant children held in cages at a detention center, and Cuellar said that he released similar photos of children separated from their parents.

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