Tue Sep 26, 2023 – 9:56 am EDT
(Robert Malone) — On September 22 I returned from lecturing on Fifth Generation Warfare in Toronto, Canada. This was my second invited lecture to a group of Toronto “resistance” members, the first being almost exactly one year ago.
Excellent talks were provided by Drs. Jill Glasspool-Malone, Mark Trozzi, and Byram Bridle. At the theater I had the opportunity to meet with many old friends and newly found ones, including both Tammy Peterson (Mrs. Jordan Peterson) and various anonymous physicians who I have been in contact with since the very beginning of my journey objecting to the mismanagement and rampant ethical breaches associated with the COVID crisis.
Frankly, I was shocked by what I learned from talking with these colleagues.
Many are already aware that the World Economic Forum (WEF) client state formerly known as “Canada” (managed on behalf of the WEF and its corporate members by their “young leader” program graduates Justin Trudeau and Christina Freeland, who were placed by the WEF into this position to do its bidding), and specifically the provence now generally known as the People’s Republic of Ontario, is now requiring that Dr. Jordon Peterson atone for his
The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News
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