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Published: July 21, 2014

Flash Flood – North-America – USA

By The Editor

EDIS Number: FF-20140721-44610-USA
Date / time: 21/07/2014 06:44:06 [UTC]
Event: Flash Flood
Area: North-America
Country: USA
State/County: State of Colorado
Location: [Southern regions]
Number of Deads: N/A
Number of Injured: N/A
Number of Infected: N/A
Number of Missing: N/A
Number of Affected: N/A
Number of Evacuated: N/A
Damage level: N/A


Recent torrential rains brought flash flooding to low-lying portions of Lamar and southeastern Colorado. Heavy rains and strong winds closed Highway 50 in low areas. Several railroad underpasses were closed until waters receded reported Russ Baldwin for the Prowers Journal. The area is in extreme and severe drought conditions according to the United States Drought Monitor.

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