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BUDAPEST, Hungary, June 25, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – The family policy implemented in Hungary is one of the most successful ones in Europe and its secret lies in its purpose: ensuring that the marrying, starting a family and having children does not mean any financial or social disadvantage – it was explained by Balázs Molnár, vice president of the Maria Kopp Institute of Demography and Family, in the most recent edition of the Transatlantic Dialogues organized, on June 18, by the Political Network for Values (PNfV).
The Transatlantic Dialogues are a virtual colloquium organized monthly by PNfV for the exchange of ideas, good practices, analysis and experiences between political representatives and decision makers from countries in Europe, America and Africa.
On this occasion, Molnár, who is a former Deputy Secretary of State for European Affairs of the Prime Minister’s Office, detailed the impact and the results of a decade of family policy that generated a favourable, family-friendly environment in his country: growth in the number of marriages, the fall of the numbers of divorces, more births, fewer abortions, more
The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News
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