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Published: September 27, 2021

Israeli Health Minister suggests universally enforced COVID passport has ‘no medical justification’

By The Editor

Mon Sep 27, 2021 – 6:31 pm EDT

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(LifeSiteNews) — Israel’s health minister was caught on a hot mic September 13 indicating that universal enforcement of COVID passports is not justified for health reasons but is meant to compel people into receiving the jab.

Despite lack of “medical justification” for requiring COVID passports in certain areas, such as swimming pools, an extensive green pass policy is necessary to urge Israelis to get vaccinated, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz suggested to Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, seemingly unaware that he was being broadcast live to the entire country on Channel 12.

“In response to Shaked’s suggestion that the ‘green pass’ could be removed as a requirement for outdoor seating at restaurants, Horowitz said, ‘For swimming pools, too, not just in restaurants,’” Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) reported.

“Epidemiologically, it’s true,” Horowitz said, according to JNS. “The thing is, I’m telling you, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].”

On August 18, Israel expanded the areas in which its COVID “green pass” is required to include swimming pools, museums, libraries, national parks and nature reserves. Hotels, restaurants, cafes, gyms and culture events were already subject to the pass.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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