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Published: March 7, 2023

Lawmakers Blast American College of OB-GYNs for Canceling Pro-Life Doctors: ‘Always a Bad Idea’

By The Editor

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A group of pro-life doctors were recently barred from an annual OB-GYN conference, told upon arrival that the exhibit spot they’d booked a year in advance had been inexplicably canceled. 

Now, Republican lawmakers are calling out the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (AGOG). They’re demanding they stop discriminating against those who believe abortion is not only wrong but harmful to women.

“I think it’s always a bad idea to silence other people’s opinions…Look, we think abortion is wrong, they think our position is wrong. So let’s have a discussion,” said Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), Chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus. 

The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) has hosted a booth at the annual OB-GYN conference for the last 15 years. Incoming CEO, Dr. Christina Francis, says she believes the decision to ban her group from this year’s event is purely because of their stance on abortion.

“Despite multiple requests for an explanation as to why the only explanation we’ve received is a vague explanation that we disagree with ACOG, presumably on the issue of abortion. This is very interesting considering the theme of this year’s conference, which is ‘Building Bridges,'” Dr. Francis said in a video posted to Twitter. 

In a statement to CBN News, ACOG said it, “Welcomes exhibitors that align with our shared commitment to the advancement of evidence-based, scientific information.” 

“I don’t know what they mean by that,” said Rep. Harris. “You know in an abortion, the mortality rate (for the mother) is 50 percent. I hope they can’t argue with that, and I’m a little surprised that while only seven percent of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in this country do abortions anymore, why would they quash the opinions of people who disagree with them,” questioned Harris, a physician himself. 

Members of his committee recently sent a letter threatening “to take ACOG to task” if the group doesn’t immediately make some changes and end their discrimination against pro-life doctors.

Dr. Francis says it’s important for the next generation of OB-GYNs to decide for themselves what the scientific evidence says about the effects of abortion on women’s health. She’s invited the CEO of ACOG to a scholarly debate on the issue, anytime, anywhere.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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