Tue Nov 1, 2022 – 7:17 pm EDT
(LifeSiteNews) — Project Veritas has released a document it says was leaked by a Federal Bureau of Investigation whistleblower showing that the FBI classifies “misinformation” and “disinformation” as “election crimes.”
The FBI’s “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet” lists “Misinformation,” which it defines as “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally,” under the umbrella of “election crimes” in the context of social media, along with voter intimidation and suppression, ballot fraud, and other offenses.
“Disinformation,” or “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others,” is also listed as an “election crime.”
The “cheat sheet” notes at the top that for these “crimes” to “fall under federal jurisdiction,” they “must involve one or more federal candidates on the ballot, election official misconduct, or false voter registration.”
The document also highlights the fact that the First Amendment “prohibits the investigation/intelligence activity based ‘solely’ to monitor the First Amendment activities.” It is notable that private and public social media messages “can,” but do not necessarily, constitute First Amendment-protected speech.
The sheet further states that the Brandenburg test is used to “differentiate protected speech from unprotected speech,” which would
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