“…after a long period of darkness in my personal life, a period where I contributed more than my share to the opposing narrative…I found LifeSite…”
Did that grab your attention? It grabbed ours when a reader named Marko reached out to us with his story. I have to admit, a story that begins like that makes me stop and listen.
I hope you will too, because truthfully, it is your support that makes stories of hope and renewal like Marko’s below come alive and make a difference in the world.
You see, Marko is a post-abortive father. He told us his oldest daughter “was a beautifully formed twenty-four week old before she was pulled from her mother’s womb.” But this was not his only child. He chose to allow two other children to be killed as well.
But this is not the end of Marko’s story.
By God’s grace, Marko has not only repented for these abortions, he now advocates for the unborn through the platform of LifeSite’s pro-life truth mission.
He went on to share:
“LifeSite has been a deeply personal platform for my repentance. To be part of an international community at the front
The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News
The views expressed in this news alert by the author do not directly represent that of The Official Street Preachers or its editors