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Published: April 7, 2021

Marks are insidious symbols of communist control

By The Editor

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April 7, 2021 (AmericanThinker) — Why are those of us who have had our COVID vaccines still wearing masks?  We are protected from the virus and cannot carry the virus despite being admonished otherwise.  Is it because Maoism is still shaping our world?  

While the West mistakenly believed that China would become more like us after embracing Capitalism, the West is becoming more like China; Maoism and Chinese communism are spreading like a prairie fire.

For those of us who had the opportunity to travel to China following Richard Nixon’s 1972 visit, besides the overall bleakness resulting from Chairman Mao Zedong’s reign, the uniform that every person in China wore was disconcerting.  The Mao jacket was the quintessential Chinese communist apparel.  It symbolized Mao’s ideology: he intended to equalize more than a billion people by what they wore.  

Does this sound familiar?  Is the mask a means to “equalize” the West?

Dr. Fauci, whom some see as the leading authority on all things COVID, promotes wearing the mask despite inoculations.  He has even suggested that we wear two masks.  

Since ascending to extraordinary national prominence,

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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