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Published: June 1, 2021

Media admit it: They’ve got ‘egg on their faces’ over their cheap dismissal of Wuhan lab-leak theory

By The Editor

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1 June, 2021 (American Thinker) – It’s a little late, but according to the Daily Mail, the media are finally admitting it:

Liberal media reporters and pundits admitted over the weekend they were wrong to dismiss the Wuhan lab leak theory just because it was espoused by former President Donald Trump.

Mainstream reporters had pushed back at the idea that COVID-19 may have originated in a virology lab in Wuhan, China, and openly ridiculed the idea as Trump spoke openly about it in the early days of the pandemic. 

But now, those same reporters have admitted that it is possible that the virus came from a lab leak — as more scientists and political officials openly question the virus’ origins.

‘I think a lot of people have egg on their face,’ ABC News’ Jon Karl told Martha Raddatz Sunday morning.

That makes them look kind of stupid, more stupid than they realize, given that people have known about this for months, and long suspected it was happening.  Those who stated early that it may well have been lab-created had been dismissed by this

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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