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Published: April 27, 2018

How Millennial Socialists Endanger America

By The Editor

Millennials, those born between 1982 and 2004, are the largest age cohort in American history, and according to a recent poll, most of them (44%) prefer socialism to capitalism (42%). An earlier 2015 poll found an even larger number of Millennials (53%) with a “favorable opinion” of socialism. Inference: America is in trouble.

Maybe Donald Trump can stem the tide for another four or even eight years, but support for socialism will continue to mount as long as Millennials remain ignorant of what socialism really is. The greatest danger to this country comes from the fact that so many Millennials don’t understand politics and economics.

How else to explain Millennial support for Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist? With a 75% approval rating overall, and higher among Millennials, Sanders is “the most popular politician in the country,” according to the Observer. According to his official website, Sanders supports a long list of liberal causes: free health care and college tuition for all, “combating climate change to save the planet,” “fighting for women’s rights,” “fighting for LGBT equality,” “fighting for nurses,” “empowering tribal nations,” “fighting for the rights of native Hawaiians,” “standing with Guam” (huh?) – all of it paid for by “making the wealthy pay their fair share.” It seems that Bernie is “fighting” for just about everybody except straight white males and that nebulous crowd he calls “the rich.”

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