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Published: October 9, 2023

Minnesota Art Museum Gets Head Start on Halloween, Teaches Kids to Summon Demons

By The Editor

October is usually the time when some people like to dabble in darkness by celebrating Halloween and pretending that the devil isn’t real. Well, this year one art museum got a head start by holding a special ceremony to teach children to build altars to summon demons.

The Walker Art Center invited parents and children to participate in what the museum described as a “collective and playful demon summoning session.”

“Demons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them,” an advertisement on the museum’s website read. 

The free August session, hosted by artist Tamar Ettun, was a two-part event. During the first part, visitors worked with Ettun to design a vessel or altar for “the demon that knows them best,” The Messenger reported.

After constructing the vessels, guests were invited to watch Ettun, who identifies as she/they, perform a summoning ritual for a spirit named Lilit.

The museum advertisement describes Lilit or Lilith as a harmless spirit that helps you “locate” your feelings. 

At the conclusion of the event, they invited children and parents to mediate to “help you befriend your shadows.”

The Christian Perspective

The Bible clearly warns believers to stay away from “darkness” and the demonic realm. And Jesus had to cast demons out of people on multiple occasions.

In Ephesians 5:11, Paul writes, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” (NKJV). 

Jenny Weaver, a former practicing witch turned born-again Christian, is warning Christians to not participate in the Halloween holiday. 

Much like that museum event that was designed to infest children with demons, Weaver was introduced to the demonic realm by a friend who convinced her it was harmless and fun. But it opened the door to a dark, sinister, and very frightening world Jenny only thought existed in books and movies.

“You would feel demon spirits literally walking by you like a human being was walking by you,” she told CBN. “Touching you. Scraping the wall. It went from, ‘Oh, this is gonna be really fun,'” says Jenny, “into, ‘I’m gonna choke you out until you die. I’m gonna take your life.’ All the time. Constantly tormented.”
Weaver stopped practicing witchcraft and gave her life to Jesus. She is a minister who is now sharing with people how the power of Jesus Christ set her free. 

And she is now a voice to the younger generation warning how Halloween is not child’s play. 

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“I don’t celebrate Halloween for the same reason satanists don’t celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! Light has no fellowship with darkness,” she posted. 

She also warns that the enemy is using the holiday to strategically target children. 

“If you can get the young generation, you can get the world. And so what parents think is a one-day thing, is not a one-day thing,” Weaver shared. “It is only an open door that allows children, teens, and even adults to go. If we allow this for even one day, you will one day find that they will later allow horoscopes and horror movies, sorcery, and witchcraft. And the next thing you know they’ve got healing crystals instead of calling on the name of Jesus.”

Weaver recently wrote on Instagram, “This is for Spirit-filled Christians, why are we still trying to pretend this whole Halloween thing isn’t straight up DEMONIC,” she wrote on Instagram. “Stop saying ‘it ain’t that deep’ cause that’s your excuse to participate in everything you want!”

Evangelist John Ramirez knows a thing or two about the dark side, too, and sends the same warning to Christians. 

For more than 22 years, Ramirez was steeped in sorcery and witchcraft. 

“The devil told me that I had to go into the neighborhood in the spirit realm in order to weaken it in the natural,” John told CBN. “Whatever you kill in the spirit realm you can kill in the natural. So I would leave my body at home and astral project myself into different boroughs, different regions, different states, and different countries. And as I fly into the neighborhood I would speak curses into the neighborhood, speak things that I wanted to happen into the neighborhood.”

He continued, “Sometimes I would go into neighborhoods and I’d see this group of people in the spirit realm, on the corner praying–holding hands, heads bowed, praying up a storm. And there was no accomplishment in that neighborhood. That neighborhood was sanctified, and blessed through prayer. You couldn’t touch it. But in the other neighborhoods, it was party time.”

Ramirez is now serving the Lord full force and is helping Christians get free from the bondage of the enemy. 

He is also warning believers to avoid celebrating holidays or event like Halloween. 

“It’s like having a one-night stand with the devil,” he described. “Why would you want to cheat on Jesus? You don’t see satanists coming to church one night a year to cheat on the devil. No way!”

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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