Mon May 8, 2023 – 6:57 pm EDT
HELENA, Montana (LifeSiteNews) — Last week, Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte of Montana signed five pro-life bills, including provisions to restrict abortion methods and funding as well as protect born-alive infants and doctors who object to killing the unborn.
Protecting born-alive abortion victims, pro-life doctors
The Infant Safety and Care Act, HB 625, requires medical professionals to treat newborn babies who survive abortions to take care of the children with the same standards as those who are not victims of abortion. Violators of the law would be guilty of a felony and could face a suspended license, a civil malpractice lawsuit, thousands of dollars in fines, and up to 5 years in prison.
HB 303 provides protections for individual and organizational medical professionals who are morally opposed to certain so-called medical practices, including abortion. This bill would prevent medical professionals from being forced to participate in any medical service that goes against their conscience. Specifically, it states that “a person may not be scheduled, assigned, or requested to directly or indirectly perform [sic], facilitate, refer for, or participate in an abortion unless the person first affirmatively consents in writing
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