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Published: May 19, 2023

New Brunswick premier: Students’ transgender status should not be ‘hidden from’ parents

By The Editor

Fri May 19, 2023 – 3:14 pm EDT

FREDERICTON, New Brunswick (LifeSiteNews) – The Premier of New Brunswick says parents have the right to be informed if their children want to “change” genders at school.  

On May 17, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs defended a recent decision to review Policy 713, the province’s public school Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity policy, arguing that the current policy denies parents their rightful knowledge if their child wants to change genders.  

“For [a wish to be identified with the opposite sex] purposefully to be hidden from the parents, that’s a problem,” Higgs told reporters, as Policy 713 currently requires children give consent for their parents to be informed if they decide to change their gender at school.  

“To suggest that it’s okay that parents don’t need to know — just stop and think about that question for a moment,” he added. 

The current policy states, “Transgender or non-binary students under the age of 16 will require parental consent in order for their preferred first name to be officially used for recordkeeping purposes and daily management (EECD, school district, and school software applications, report cards, class lists, etc.).”  

However, the policy promises that “before

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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