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Published: August 23, 2021

New Survey Reveals 60 Percent of Christians Aged 18 – 39 Believe Jesus Not Only Way to Salvation

By The Editor

A new survey reveals a shocking statistic about young Christians. More than 60 percent of born-again Christians between the ages of 18 – 39 believe that Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad are all equal in regards to a path to salvation. 

Probe Ministries recently released the results of its Religious Views & Practices Survey showed a “striking decline” in religious beliefs and practices over the last ten years.

The survey shows a majority of Born-again Christians are ignorant about the basic teachings of their faith. 

“The Probe survey shows that even Born-again Christians can have a false view of Jesus Christ and embrace a pluralistic worldview,” said Probe Ministries President, Kerby Anderson. “Pastors and church leaders just can’t assume any longer that members of their church or Christian organization have a biblical worldview.”

Less than half of those surveyed strongly agreed that Jesus died to redeem us and will return to save us. 

Other Findings

The survey also found: 

“We have to continue to explain the cost of salvation, that there is no way to salvation other than through the sacrificial and atoning death of a sinless Christ. That no one can come to the Father except through the Son, but also that anyone may come through him,” Anderson said. 

The survey was conducted among 3,106 Americans aged 18 through 55. 

More Than Half of Americans Have Biblical Worldview, Don’t Believe What the Bible Teaches

As CBN News reported in June, the Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview conducted a nationwide survey in an effort to find out whether people possess a biblical worldview and how they seek to integrate that into their life. 

Among the 1,000 American adults interviewed across the nation, 51 percent said they have a biblical worldview. However, the survey revealed big inconsistencies between what they believe and what the Bible teaches.

And the polling revealed seven out of ten adults believe that God does (or might) exist, 78 percent said that God cares “a lot” about what they believe and does in relation to every measure of society.

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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