“Only God can do that.”
Those are the words of Lex Renick, a female who formerly identified as a transgender male before she and her husband — who used to identify as homosexual — came to faith in Jesus.
Nic and Lex Renick got married on May 30, 2020, when both of them were living out their LGBT lifestyles. They have since turned away from their past decisions, with Lex restoring her female identity and returning to the name she was given at birth and Nic abandoning his homosexual identity.
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The pair married one another as husband and husband but, since their respective salvation experiences, now identify as a heterosexual couple — husband and wife. They recently spoke with The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles about their salvation experiences in a lengthy interview.
Knowles, a Catholic, described the couple’s testimony as “one of the wildest stories I’ve ever heard.”
In addition to restoring their live spiritually, Lex and Nic told Knowles they are seeing physical restoration. The two now share a healthy baby and, early on in their relationship, Lex underwent biopsies and was told she had cancerous cells in her body. But
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