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Published: September 2, 2021

Orthodox bishop calls Australian pro-lockdown politicians ‘Judas’

By The Editor

Thu Sep 2, 2021 – 2:05 pm EDT

AUSTRALIA (LifeSiteNews) – Eastern Orthodox Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel recently preached strongly against the government mandates that have locked down many Australian for some time.

Emmanuel preached from his parish church, Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, Sydney.

“If you think you are a Christian politician and you know very well what is happening is nothing more than deliberate evil action by the secret societies, yet you are going ahead with it, and you are endorsing it and you are implementing it, and you are forcing it,” he said, “you are bringing more force, police force, army to make sure that these areas adhere to the lockdowns, then you are a traitor! You are Judas Iscariot because you have sold your Master Jesus.”

The bishop did not explain what he meant by “secret societies,” though some Christians use the term to refer to groups like the Freemasons. It is possible that the bishop believes that such secret societies are behind the push for lockdowns.

Regions of Australia have adopted severe lockdown measures, especially in the State of Victoria which has recently extended its lockdown until 70% of

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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