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Published: April 27, 2023

Over 10 million UK babies have been lost to abortion since legalization in 1968

By The Editor

Thu Apr 27, 2023 – 9:32 am EDT

(Right To Life UK) — Today marks the 55th anniversary of the U.K. Abortion Act coming into effect in 1968 – six months after it received Royal Assent.

Since then, a staggering 10,135,618 unborn babies (not including those killed in Northern Ireland since 2020) have lost their lives to abortion across England, Wales, and Scotland – in 2021, more than one baby was lost to abortion every two and a half minutes; 26 lives were ended every hour.

READ: Pro-abortion students throw eggs at pro-lifers hosting campus event on horrors of abortion

The number of abortions in England and Wales has reached a record high with 214,869 taking place in 2021, while 13,758 terminations were performed in Scotland in the same year.

This significant rise in abortions in England and Wales has accompanied the first full year that “DIY” home abortion services have been operating in England and Wales. Since “DIY” home abortions were introduced, a number of significant problems have arisen.

Abortion statistics released by the Department of Health and Social Care show that in England and Wales, there was a total of 214,869 abortions in 2021, an increase of 4,009 abortions from 2020 when

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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