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Published: December 17, 2020

Over 275,000+ signatures on LifeSite petitions to protect the vote

By The Editor

December 17, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Since the general election on November 3, LifeSiteNews has launched three petitions in support of protecting the vote.

Taken together, these petitions have been signed more than 275,000 times.

“Stand With President Trump to Protect the Vote” has garnered nearly 200,000 signatures.

“Dept of Justice: Do your job and audit election in swing states now!” has gained almost 50,000 signatures.

And, “STATES: Stop election certification while fraud investigations continue” has more than 30,000 signatures to-date.

“Citizens are clearly upset and angry about how allegations of fraud are being swept under the rug by the courts. They want to show their support for President (Donald) Trump, who is continuing to fight against electoral corruption,” said Scott Schittl, one of LifeSite’s petition coordinators. “They want the allegations to be investigated, for ballots and voting machines to be impounded and audited.”

In spite of the public outcry, however, many courts have refused to even hear the evidence of vote tampering, and the Department of Justice seems to be sitting on its hands, much like in waiting to reveal the two-year-old Hunter Biden investigation until after the election.

Nevertheless, the truth about the allegations of election fraud continues to

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

The views expressed in this news alert by the author do not directly represent that of The Official Street Preachers or its editors

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