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Published: January 27, 2023

Pro-life service continues mission in Mexico after local gov’t officials confiscate ultrasound vans

By The Editor

Fri Jan 27, 2023 – 5:53 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) — Pro-lifers in Mexico are continuing to share the truth with women facing unplanned pregnancies despite government agencies having confiscated mobile units equipped to provide mothers with ultrasound images of their unborn babies.

On December 22, the National Pro-Life Committee’s Jorge Serrano informed his affiliates with Human Life International (HLI) that the pro-abortion Mexico City government had “sealed the compound” of the organization’s primary pregnancy care center and seized two mobile units with ultrasound equipment.

Rather than returning the confiscated material, the government has insisted that the pro-life center update its registration from “care center” to “medical center,” arguing that ultrasounds are harmful to women and medical doctors must be present for that service to be provided.

“People need to be aware that there is an intention of the [Mexico City government] to try to stop pro-life activities … especially to try to stop the crisis pregnancy centers, because they are the ones that contribute to more children [being] born,” Mario Rojas, HLI’s Latin America director, told LifeSiteNews in a phone interview this week. “They are demanding that the care centers register as medical clinics, which there

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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