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Published: August 12, 2024

Report About Iran Giving Hezbollah EMPs Raises Alarms About Israeli Power Grid

By The Editor

Joel Chernoff went to sleep in Israel on Oct. 6 of last year and woke up to a war.

As the executive director of the Joseph Project International, one of the largest non-governmental organizations aiding the Jewish state, Chernoff immediately went to work.

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In the months since the terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel, the JPI has provided tens of thousands of meals, equipment for the Israeli military, and other resources to the country. There’s one major threat, though, facing Israel, and it isn’t earning a great deal of media attention: the possibility of an attack on the country’s power grid.

That concern has been heightened by the looming threat of war with Iran and its terrorist group proxies, like Hezbollah, according to our recent reporting. In late June, one senior state electricity official, Shaul Goldstein, claimed — with some pushback — a cyberattack to Israel’s power grid could cripple the small nation in just a matter of days, according to The Times of Israel.

It’s important to note there have been some reports suggesting Iran has supplied Hezbollah with electromagnetic pulse weapons, or EMPs. Those alleged weapons, should they be deployed, “could destroy all

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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