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Published: July 22, 2021

Senate Democrats move to force women to register for the draft

By The Editor

WASHINGTON, D.C. July 22, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Women may be required to register for the military draft if Senate Democrats get their way, according to a July 19 report by Politico. 

Per Politico’s reporting, “Senate Democrats are proposing a sweeping rewrite of the military draft laws aimed at requiring women to register for the Selective Service System [the draft].” 

The question of requiring young women to register for the draft has been frequently raised in the past amid the opening up of military combat roles for women. Democratic legislators are now positioned to make the controversial idea law by adding altered language to a crucial military defense bill. 

The new language eliminates any reference to males, mandating instead that “All Americans” sign up for the draft.  

Senate Armed Services Chair Jack Reed wrote the draft of the proposed changes, which Politico says might be tacked onto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the 2022 fiscal year, a piece of legislation Congress is poised to pass.  

Currently, failure to register for the draft carries a penalty of fines or imprisonment, and those who do not register are refused federal financial aid and federal jobs. Women would be subject to the same penalties if Senate Democrats succeed in ramming through

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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