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Published: May 7, 2024

‘So Glad I Did’: Fox News Doctor Recalls Choosing Life as a Pregnant Teenager

By The Editor

Many women who choose to have an abortion do so because they mistakenly believe a baby stands in the way of a career.  However, Fox News contributor Nicole Saphier, M.D., who is also a board-certified radiologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering, one of the top cancer hospitals in America, is living proof you can have a baby, even in high school, and still land your dream job. 

Dr. Saphier tells her heroic story in her new book, Love, Mom: Inspiring Stories Celebrating Motherhood which features firsthand accounts of motherhood challenges from Dr. Saphier’s friends, including several other Fox News personalities.

Dr. Saphier recalls being a churchgoing, athletic, smart teenager who got good grades but made a mistake.  

“I became pregnant at the age of 17,” she told CBN News. “I was faced with a huge obstacle. Do I continue on with the pregnancy or do I not?”

She said many people urged her to get an abortion.

“A lot of people around me told me that if I continued with the pregnancy that I would never fulfill my dreams of being a doctor,” she said.

Nevertheless, she decided to keep the baby. 

“I was very faithful at the time. I used to

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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