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Published: April 26, 2024

The Leading Cause of Death in America Today is PHARMACEUTICALS

By The Editor

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News. 

We often hear from politicians that things like raw milk, guns, the unvaccinated, and TikTok need to be banned in order to save We the People from harm, but then why do all of these same people support Big Pharma, the actual leading killer of Americans by a long shot?

Prescription drugs are now the leading cause of death in the United States today, surpassing even heart disease and cancer. And within that category, psychiatric drugs specifically take third place as the top killer.

Pharmaceutical drugs are supposed to be “medicine,” or so we are told, and yet they continue to top the charts as the most prolific life-enders in American society. Why are we putting up with this?

Peter C. Gøtzsche, writing for the Brownstone Institute, looked at a consortium of research on this subject. His findings point to serious problems with the legal drug industry as regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Believe it or not, legal drugs as approved by the FDA and prescribed by doctors are one of the top killers of Americans. This means that doctors are technically the leading cause of death in America, making them more dangerous than criminals.

Keep in mind that the studies Gøtzsche looked at are all antiquated. There is simply not that much up-to-date information about this subject, likely because it would expose the drug industry as the death racket that it is.

(Related: Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry rebrands failed pharmaceutical products to generate new profit streams?)

Deaths from “natural causes” are usually caused by pharmaceuticals

Another interesting little tidbit dredged up by Gøtzsche involves hospital records and coroners’ reports, which are routinely manipulated to cover up the pharmaceutical drug death pandemic.

Most deaths listed as

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at SHTF Plan

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