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Published: June 14, 2021

There is a lioness in New York, fighting for school-children in the face of Marxism, leftist agenda

By The Editor

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June 14, 2021 (American Thinker) – In Carmel, New York, there is a woman named Tatiana Ibrahim. She is a warrior and a heroine. She stood up at a school board meeting and gave the board members what-for because the teachers in her children’s school district are bringing Marxism to the classroom in the form of Critical Race Theory (CRT), defund the police lessons, and other leftist concepts.

In the past couple of months, more and more parents are starting to fight back against the plague of leftism that has been infecting America’s classrooms. This leftist instruction has been going on for a long time (I fought it with my kids’ education beginning two decades ago), but 2020 had two factors that brought it into the open.

The first factor was distance learning because of COVID, which meant that parents got a window into their children’s classrooms. The second factor was the maddened escalation of CRT because of the George Floyd riots and Black Lives Matter’s subsequent cultural ascendency.

Parents are sending open letters to schools and speaking up at school board

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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