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Published: January 20, 2022

Unvaccinated man denied kidney transplant due to jab status despite recovering from COVID

By The Editor

Thu Jan 20, 2022 – 6:15 pm EST

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) – A Virginia man with kidney failure who has already recovered from COVID-19 was kicked off a kidney transplant list for refusing to get vaccinated.

Shamgar Connors, who suffers from stage five kidney failure and is on dialysis every day, told Newsmax last week that UVA Transplant Center removed him from the active kidney transplant list because of his vaccine status. He had been on the list for three years.

During a phone call that Connors provided to Newsmax, a doctor at the transplant center described his refusal to get jabbed as a “deal breaker” for his medical care and shot down his request to apply for a religious exemption.

“Our policy is if you … in order to have people active on the transplant list and get a transplant you need to be fully vaccinated,” she said. “You don’t want to move forward?”

“I’d rather die of kidney failure,” Connors answered.

“Ok, so this may be, I mean this may be a crossroads at your evaluation because … there’s not going to be any exception to that. The science is pretty clear on the

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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