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Published: July 25, 2014

US paratroopers arrested in Italy for allegedly raping, robbing pregnant Romanian

By The Editor

The U.S. base Caserma Del Din in Vecenza, Italy. (Image from

The suspected rape happened in the city of Vecenza in north eastern part of Italy on Monday night last week, Italian media reported.

The suspects are believed to have agreed to pay for the sexual favors of a 24-year-old Romanian girl. But after the three reached a secluded area, they allegedly decided to get what they wanted for free.

The two soldiers reportedly beat up and raped the prostitute, who is in her sixth month of pregnancy, and this went on for a period of three hours. Then they allegedly left their victim in the remote field, and made off with her purse.

The victim’s lawyer Alessandra Bocchi told journalists that her back is badly scratched and her face and entire body, including her belly, are bruised from the beating.

The life of the baby is not in danger.

Both soldiers are serving at the Caserma Del Din, a US military base hosting the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. The media identified them as Gray Gerelle Lamarcus, 22, and Edil McCough, 21.

Both were ordered to be placed under arrest by an Italian prosecutor. McCough remains at the base, while Lamarcus was admitted to the San Bortolo hospital after an attempted suicide. Ironically, the victim of the rape was also treated in the same hospital.

Some reports say that Lamarcus has a record of sexual violence and allegedly was involved in a rape of a 17-year-old girl in Vicenza back in December 2013.

Vicenza’s mayor, Achille Variati, has since sent a letter to Italy’s Justice Minister Andrea Orlando requesting that the two soldiers are tried by an Italian court. US military has agreements with all countries hosting their bases, which allows the US to claim jurisdiction over any prosecution against American troops.

The Italians say if the trial is held in the US, it would be difficulty for the victim and potential witnesses to travel there and testify, which would undermine the case against the perpetrators.

Prostitution is legal in Italy, although pimping or running a brothel is not. Immigrants are allowed to sell sex, if they have a work permit. The victim of the violence in Vicenza is said to have been living in Italy for about a year.

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