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Published: April 23, 2024

Vaccines Have Destroyed Society, Unleashing a Wave of Irreparable Damage To Public Health

By The Editor

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News. 

We rarely hear about it due to the system-wide embargo on truthful information about the damage they cause, but vaccines have destroyed the world.

A Midwestern Doctor, a popular Substack account, conducted an extensive review into the science behind vaccines that never see the light of day. The doctor found that the ugly truth about vaccines stays hidden in order to protect “the business,” meaning the vaccine arm of Big Pharma.

To tell the ugly truth about vaccines “would destroy the vaccine program,” the doctor writes, which is why it is never told. One of them is the fact that vaccines do not prevent disease, and instead cause more of it.

Diseases that were once thought to be eradicated have returned, but not because of the unvaccinated. The doctor found that vaccines are reintroducing these ancient illnesses, which are today being dubbed a “mystery.”

Take the smallpox vaccine, for instance. Introduced in 1798, the smallpox jab was frequently observed to cause smallpox outbreaks rather than prevent them, but this ugly truth was swept under the rug.

If modern medicine was an honest science, the smallpox jab would have been pulled from the market and relegated to the dustbin of the world’s worst scientific mistakes. Instead, the smallpox jab laid the groundwork for the thereafter release of a host of new vaccine injections, all of which do the same type of thing.

“Having looked at it extensively, I am of the opinion the smallpox vaccine reshaped the trajectory of humanity’s health and ushered in the era of chronic illness,” the doctor writes.

(Related: People who were vaccinated are much more likely than the unvaccinated to develop ear diseases, blood disorders and hair loss, research shows.)

Skip all jabs

The vaccines that would come after smallpox

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at SHTF Plan

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