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Published: February 17, 2021

Virtual Pilgrimage Tour of the Holy Land During Lent

By The Editor

JERUSALEM, Israel – On February 17th this year, millions of Christians around the world will commemorate Ash Wednesday today.  Ash Wednesday begins Lent, a forty-day period of reflection leading up to Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Since Israel has been closed to visitors for nearly a year, the team at on the Shores of the Sea of Galilee and the hometown of Mary Magdalene decided to offer a virtual pilgrimage during Lent.  They call the tour “A Virtual Pilgrimage Inspired by Abraham, Our Father in Faith.”  

Father Eamon Kelly told CBN News what the goal of the pilgrimage is.  “We’re following Jesus’s call to leave everything to follow Him. It’s the transformation of our lives and hearing that call and becoming free from all the things that hold us back. This is a pilgrimage, setting out to a new land.” 

The Magdala team will visit biblical places throughout Israel like Bethlehem, Jacob’s Well, Bethel and Jerusalem.  If you would like join this virtual tour, you can go to

CBN News has covered Magdala for years.  It’s where they have discovered a first-century synagogue where it’s nearly certain Jesus would have preached.  

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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