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Published: September 28, 2017

‘We are tired of being silenced’: Rape survivors push back against abortion activists

By The Editor

Life Institute

September 28, 2017 (Life Institute) — Rape survivors say that they will not be silenced by bullies and plan to hold a speaking event outside the Spencer Hotel on Thursday despite the hotel becoming the second venue to cancel within a week after threats from abortion campaigners.

The women, who became pregnant from rape or were conceived in rape are speaking as part of an initiative from Unbroken Ireland, which aims to create awareness of the complex needs of women in these situations. 

Laura Ní Chonghaile of Unbroken Ireland, who is a rape survivor, said that abortion campaigners had disgraced themselves by threatening hotels and shouting down rape victims but that women would no longer be silenced.

“We are tired of being silenced, and we will no longer accept attempts to silence us, or to make us feel ashamed,” said Ní Chonghaile. “Is this the 19th century where aggressive men feel they can tear down our message and abuse us for sharing our experiences and having a point of view?”

Yesterday, the Trinity branch of People Before Profit posted photos of members tearing down posters advertising the Unbroken Ireland meeting in Dublin, where rape

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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