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Published: July 24, 2024

Were Dutch and German Scientists Involved in the Development of SARS-CoV-2?

By The Editor

This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Expose. 

Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Peter Daszak are the trio named as the men behind the development of SARS-CoV-2; the virus that was used to usher in the COVID era and for which a spike protein-laden “vaccine” was administered to billions.

However, there are other major players in the game.  In the following, Robert Kogon details the Dutch and German connections that are being ignored in the “American” story.

The Greatest Story Never Told: German Virology in Wuhan (and Montana)

By Robert Kogon as published by Panda Uncut

The Americans did it, of course. Or “we did”, as Jim Haslam, the American Substacker who developed the most elaborate version of this theory, has put it: Anthony Fauci, the funder of the research; Ralph Baric, the “designer” of the virus; and Peter Daszak, the albeit British head of US-based EcoHealth Alliance, who directed the research. They merely needed a little help from one hired-gun Dutch virologist in the person of Vincent Munster, who made Baric’s virus transmissible at Fauci’s Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana before it was shipped to Wuhan. And the rest is history.

But what about all the German connections to virus research in Wuhan which I have documented HEREHEREHERE, and HERE and which involve not just German funding for virus research in Wuhan, but indeed a full-fledged German-Chinese virology lab in Wuhan, which – unlike the Wuhan Institute of Virology – is located right in the area of the initial outbreak of covid-19 in the city.

It is all the more remarkable that these German connections are being ignored given that the supposedly “American” story of the creation and release of covid-19 points right back to them: namely, to a German or, more exactly, German-Dutch coronavirus research nexus, which has played a key role in the covid-19 response and

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at SHTF Plan

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