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Published: March 23, 2023

‘Word for Word’: Persecution Watchdog Warns of Striking Similarities Between Communism, ‘American Leftist’ Restrictions

By The Editor

An expert who tackles Christian persecution sounded the alarm this week on parallels he sees between western nations’ tactics and crackdowns perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid, a group that monitors persecution, said similarities in the “playbooks” used by U.S. and China are “striking,” particularly when exploring how the West handled COVID-19 restrictions.

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“The similarities are very, very striking between the Chinese Communist way of persecution and the American leftist way of restriction and even discrimination,” Fu told Fox News. “It is very shocking and horrible to see American society’s transformation evolving from its constitutional basis.”

The nonprofit leader, who became a Christian in the Chinese underground church and even went to prison for leading house churches before escaping in 1996, said he believes the American left is increasingly turning to “dictatorial” tactics, refusing to allow diverse voices.

Fu reflected on California’s handling of the pandemic to illustrate one such example.

“I saw the governor of California basically proscribe and order the church to shut down and say not only when they can worship, but how,” he told Fox News. “The ways that he threatened to punish those churches and pastors sometimes were word-for-word exactly the same as what the CCP is using against the Chinese churches.”

Read more of what Fu had to say here.

Fu isn’t the first person to note purportedly similarities between the U.S. and repressive regimes.

North Korean defector-turned-U.S. citizen Yeonmi Park, who is out with a new book titled “While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector’s Search for Freedom in America,” recently told CBN’s Faithwire about patterns she sees developing in America — dynamics that could threaten the freedoms held dear.

The mother of a young American son, Park said she’s afraid for the nation she now calls home.

“I was realizing that freedoms that I thought Americans had, it was like slipping away from all of us,” she said, noting she worries America is in the “beginning” phase of becoming more like North Korea, particularly when it comes to tactics to divide as well as free speech restrictions.

“America uses race to divide people,” Park said. “In North Korea, they use … what our ancestors did to divide people. Even though you’re the same people, same language, same skin colors, same genetics.”

She added, “Based on what my great-great-grandfather did, they determined if I have oppressor blood or oppressed blood.”

Thus, based on familial ties, one’s standing is decided, with Park likening this to some of what she sees happening in America today on the race front.

“There is forever no redemption in that system,” she said. “So, collective guilt, collective punishment.”

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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