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Published: May 6, 2024

Yom HaShoah Reminds Us: ‘We Will Live’

By The Editor


Mira wasn’t yet two years old when she and her mother were forced to flee certain death at the hands of the Nazis. Born in 1939 in Kyiv, Mira was just one of the hundreds of thousands of Jews trying to escape the city before the Nazis arrived. 

Unable to leave, Mira and her mother were forced into the ghetto. And it was there, in the Kyiv Ghetto, where a miracle happened. A Ukrainian guard unexpectedly befriended them. One evening, he came to Mira’s mother and told her she needed to leave the city immediately. The Germans were coming and they intended to evacuate the ghetto. That meant only one thing—they were going to kill all the Jews.

The guard gave the family some food and opened the gate for Mira and her mother to escape. Mira recalls, “If he hadn’t done that, my mother and I wouldn’t have remained alive. The next day, all the Jews were marched in a procession to Babi Yar in the suburbs of Kyiv and murdered. Approximately 150,000 Jews were murdered in that terrible place. My childhood was taken from me, but at least I survived. I think we survived thanks to our faith

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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