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Published: January 3, 2024

Youngest GOP Female Senator Ever Talks Faith and the Time Her Girl Saw Jesus During a Tornado

By The Editor

CAPITOL HILL – The youngest Republican woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate is documenting her faith-filled journey in a new book. Sen. Katie Britt sat down with CBN News to talk about the role God has played in her journey from Alabama to the Senate chamber.

If you don’t know about Alabama’s first female senator, don’t worry, you’re not alone. “If I ever get the Capitol Police to figure out I work in the Senate, that would be step 1. Still, still to this day, I get stopped multiple times a week to ask to show my ID,” Sen. Britt told us.

She now finds herself in the mix with some lawmakers twice her age trying to set policy for America.

Working at the Capitol wasn’t always part of the plan. She grew up in Alabama’s rural Wiregrass region, and for those unfamiliar, it’s an area known for its peanut festival. “I think it’s a place where the American dream still lives, where you treat your neighbor as family, where the ideals that make our country so special still exist,” Britt said.

When it was time for college, it was “Roll Tide” at the University of Alabama. It’s where Britt met her

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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