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Published: October 10, 2016

#PodetstaEmails – Clinton Campaign Emails Revealed, Again

By Nate Brown

Hillary Clinton caught again, the following is a dump of emails found to be rather interesting pertaining to the 2016 (s)elections. You can search the Wikileaks Archive here. If you find anything of importance please add it to the discussion below.

Some of the emails are loaded into a list on our site, please select from the drop-down menu, and select which one you would like to see.

BS (Bernie Sanders) & Guns

Important Text: “Circling back around on guns as a follow up to the Friday morning discussion: the Today show has indicated they definitely plan to ask bout guns, and so to have the discussion be more of a news event than her previous times discussing guns, we are going to background reporters tonight on a few of the specific proposals she would support as President – universal background checks of course, but also closing the gun show loophole by executive order and imposing manufacturer liability.” – Read More

Hillary is a liar: Bernie, Elizabeth and De Blasio

Important Text: “Beyond this Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does. I am one of the people with credibility to suggest Bernie people support her in November, and she and Benenson and others have no idea of the damage she does to herself with these attacks, which she does not gain by making.” – Read More

Confidential – People close to the Clintons pushing for “the less Bill [WJC] the better” due to his “sex life”…

Important Text: “I had a multi-email exchange with someone in the media this morning—a name you would know—who is telling me that there are people close to the Clintons who says WJC’s [Bill Clinton] sex life could be damaging to her.” Read More

Clinton Foundation COO suicidal over Bill Clinton

Important Text: “Late last night, laura graham called me as she couldn’t reach my brother or her shrink. She was on staten island in her car parked a few feet from the waters edge with her foot on the gas pedal and the car in park. She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with wjc [Bill Clinton] and cvc [Chelsea Victoria Clinton] as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn’t take it anymore. I spent a while on the phone with her preventing her from doing that, as I have a few times in the past few months, and was able to reach roger and her shrink.” – Read More

List of all HRC Paid Speeches

“Attached are the flags from HRC’s paid speeches we have from HWA. I put some highlights below. There is a lot of policy positions that we should give an extra scrub with Policy. In terms of what was opened to the press and what was not, the Washington Examiner got a hold of one of the private speech contracts (her speeches to universities were typically open press), so this is worth a read Washington Examiner” – Read More

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