The fake news industry is still gaslighting America with phony polls

Updated: May 4, 2021 at 12:57 pm EST  See Comments

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May 4, 2021 (American Thinker) – Opinion polls, particularly in the buildup to a presidential election, are not designed to reflect public opinion, but instead to shape it. For the media, objectivity is only of historic interest, a journalistic tenet from a bygone era. Now most of the media is embedded within the Democrat party, serving as an advocacy arm or political action committee to influence elections and agendas.

A CNN staffer, who bragged that he was “one step down” from a director, admitted to an undercover Tinder date, actually a real journalist working for James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, that CNN was “creating a story” that “we didn’t know anything about,” calling it “propaganda” to help remove President Trump from office. The epitome of fake news.

Fake news media have many gaslighting tools at their disposal. Some outlets doctor audio or video tapes to make their “bad guy” appear racist or doing something illegal. Or, they make their “good guy” look like Mother Teresa. Recipients of this treatment range from law enforcement and Ferguson’s Gentle Giant Michael Brown, to George Zimmerman, and even President Donald

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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