Two weeks after Dobbs decision, Thomas More Society working to ‘properly wipe away Roe’

Updated: July 8, 2022 at 6:57 pm EST  See Comments

Fri Jul 8, 2022 – 6:12 pm EDT

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CHICAGO (LifeSiteNews) – A pro-life law firm has crafted model legislation to make crossing state lines to procure an abortion illegal.

“We’re two weeks after Dobbs, and folks are still not understanding the full extent of what it means to properly wipe away Roe,” said Peter Breen, attorney with the pro-life law firm Thomas More Society, in an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale. “And what we need to be doing at the state level on the pro-life side in both a creative and a very forward-looking way to create an environment, where every unborn resident of a pro-life state is protected, no matter where that person may be.”

The Thomas More Society’s efforts to generate a legal framework for protecting the unborn from out-of-state abortion stemmed from its analysis on where gaps in the law would be once Roe was overturned. The enterprise had not even been officially promoted when it was brought to light by

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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