Annual ‘Life Chain’ witness for abortion victims set to take place across Canada on October 2

Updated: September 28, 2022 at 2:57 pm EST  See Comments

Wed Sep 28, 2022 – 1:21 pm EDT

(Campaign Life Coalition) — On Sunday, October 2, Canada will partake in its 33rd Life Chain since this pro-life witness was first brought north of the border in 1990.

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In a nutshell, Life Chain consists of pro-lifers standing at intersections across the country, silently praying for an end to abortion for an hour while holding signs with messages like: “Abortion kills children,” “Abortion hurts women,” “Adoption, the loving option,” and “Life, the first inalienable right.”

I know some pro-lifers wonder if this is an effective form of activism any longer. Is it still relevant? Is it worth the effort?


Simply look at this map of all the Life Chains in Canada.

The “chain” aspect of “Life Chain” is evident at each intersection, as there are lines of individual participants, but it is also evident seeing how Life Chain literally stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic. And each of the balloons denoting a Life Chain location also signifies a community exposed to the truth that abortion kills children. No other form of pro-life activism offers the same extent of local outreach. Countless people driving

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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